A Dance with Pride: The Mel Connection

I saw him on a crowded dance floor. Mel, that guy I met a few months ago but never truly connected with. I felt some panic, my heart started to race, but not from the beat of the music. It was fear. Fear of making the first move, fear of rejection, fear born from my own stubborn pride. Little did I know, overcoming this fear would lead to one of the most valuable friendships of my life....

July 16, 2024 · 3 min · Zakatell Kanda

Full Disk Encrypted Ubuntu 20.04 in a small dedicated server.

I miss the time when I was still exploring a lot of things in the Linux world. Nowadays, I’m mostly working with servers that are pre-provisioned and almost ready out of the box. Those are nice conveniences for work. I decided though to go back and be like me again ten years ago. Requirements: Experiments with small dedicated server It should be encrypted on disk. Have fun while doing it. Server Providers I looked into two dedicated, Kimsufi and One Provider seems to fit my needs....

June 7, 2020 · 5 min · Zakatell Kanda

python scrypt cannot find libcrypto on macos

Today, I tried starting our local django development environment but it failed because of this error. OSError: dlopen(lib/python2.7/site-packages/_scrypt.so, 6): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib What does this error mean? The precompiled scrypt is targeting a now non exising libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib, when I look at the location, it’s been replaced by an updated api version number libcrypto.1.1.dylib. A quick solution is to soft link it to the exact same path as previous and hope that the api didn’t change much....

April 7, 2020 · 1 min · Zakatell Kanda

Using Github Actions for Deploying Hugo

Before, whenever I tried updating this blog, I have to follow some steps: Write content Commit Run the publish to master scripts Well, guess what, I can now remove that last script, because of Github actions. But it was not without pain moving to this new platform. First, I had to read a lot of documents that don’t seem to relate to what I wanted to do. Well, shame on me for reading those, but they were fun, and I learned a lot....

April 6, 2020 · 1 min · Zakatell Kanda

golang: dynamic type in a json field

We had an experience where the type of a field change base on certain conditions. We think this is bad, but we have to support it. Here’s how. You’ll have to specify the field type as an interface. type P struct { T interface{} `json:"t"` } After that, you’ll need to use switch to determine the type. In our case, we needed it as int. var i int var p P s := `{"t": "3460"}` // should also work with // s := `{"t": 3460}` if err := json....

November 7, 2018 · 1 min · Zakatell Kanda